Collisions & Groundings

Navigational and data expertise for incident investigation and reconstruction

Our master mariners routinely advise on shipping incidents in both criminal and civil matters and are all experienced in providing expert advice.  In both civil and criminal matters the use of electronic navigation data for investigating incidents is now expected in all cases where such data is available.

As leaders in this field we are able to source the AIS data from via our links with multiple data providers and provide a reconstruction of an incident within a matter of hours through our Rapid Replay online platform. We provide this service at an inexpensive lump sum cost with a view to making the analysis viable even for smaller claims. We also have extensive experience in the extraction of data from VDRs and other types of electronic navigation data for incorporation into reconstructions. 

Recent years have seen a rise in the number of criminal proceedings brought against masters and crews in relation to incidents at sea. Solis Marine has recent experience in providing expert evidence in several such cases in courts in Asia and the UK.  

Expert Advice

Solis Marine is able to provide expert advice with respect to the following aspects of collision and grounding incidents:  

  • Navigation issues 
  • Damage surveys and repair cost estimates 
  • Pilotage 
  • Maneuvering 
  • Personal injury 
  • VDR, ECDIS, AIS and VTIS analysis 
  • Passage Planning 
  • Bridge management 
  • Pollution
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