
Cargo loss and damage investigations for all cargo types including bulk, refrigerated, liquid, container and general cargo

Cargo loss and damage incidents form a significant proportion of the incident investigation work that Solis Marine is involved with, often from a dispute resolution perspective, but also in relation to salvage and wreck situations.  

Our master mariners have experience of a wide range of cargoes including bulk, refrigerated, liquid, container and general cargo. 

Our salvage consultants have also worked in casualty situations dealing with cargoes ranging from containers and hydrocarbons to a wide variety of bulk and project cargoes where discharge, transport, storage and sale/disposal have been issues to be dealt with.  

We specifically handle a large number of cases involving damage to steel cargoes loaded in China and routinely attend vessels to investigate the cause of this damage.   

Other common issues dealt with are the liquefaction of bulk cargoes, container loss or damage and liquid cargo specification disputes.

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