Naval Architecture

Assessments for salvage and wreck removal operations and expert analysis and opinion for incident investigation

Our team of naval architects regularly provide expert advice on a variety of issues for claims and disputes. These issues can range from total loss of a vessel, loss of stability, grounding and collisions through to cargo shifting and lashing disputes.  

We use the latest analysis tools for hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis, maneuvering simulations, structural analysis and computational fluid dynamics so that our expert opinions are always supported by robust engineering and analysis.

Our naval architects all have experience assisting with strength and stability assessments for salvage and wreck removal operations in addition to providing expert opinions for court, arbitration and mediation proceedings.  

We are also able to conduct inclining tests on the full range of vessel sizes from small fishing and passenger vessels through to large cargo vessels and offshore jack-up platforms. 

Our engineering team regularly provide stability analysis and documentation following conversion projects and vessel modifications.  We also provide stability and strength analysis for innovative offshore design solutions including wave energy devices and bespoke vessel designs. 


  • Total loss investigation and causation 
  • Tug stability and girting investigation 
  • Fishing vessel loss and stability assessments
  • Rudder loss investigation 
  • Structural assessments using finite element analysis (FEA) 
  • Inclining tests 3D scanning of vessels 
  • Cargo loss / shifting 
  • Flooding and grounding
  • Vessel stability documentation following conversion or modification
  • Vessel design assessments

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