We are delighted to announce that Captain Jamie Simpson has been appointed to the Lloyd’s Panel of Special Casualty Representatives (SCRs). Jamie brings a wealth of hands-on experience in the challenging and dynamic field of salvage and wreck removal, and this appointment is a well-deserved recognition of his expertise in this area.
Jamie has recently been involved in some particularly challenging salvage and wreck removal operations across the UK and South America, highlighting his invaluable expertise in managing complex marine incidents.
We are confident that his expertise will further bolster Solis Marine’s reputation as a leader in casualty management, now with four SCRs based in our UK and Singapore offices.
Solis Marine CEO, Ros Blazejczyk said “We are very pleased to congratulate Jamie on his appointment to the Lloyd’s Panel of SCRs. The availability of another SCR within Solis Marine allows us to further support our clients around the world as we continue to expand our global casualty response team.”
More information on our casualty management services is available here.